Docs - Changelog
- Layouts: One page additional template
- Layouts: shop layouts
- Layouts: events
- Improved mobile devices lightbox(colorbox) replacement
- Elements appear in viewport animations
- Docs: Changelog contains both changed files list and changed lines for each file
- More Docs
- Main website preloader
- Unlimited colors
- Layouts: One page template
- Layouts: Portfolio Timeline layout
- Layouts: Blog Timeline layout
- Layouts: Added different post types to blog
- Layouts: Sign In
- Layouts: Sign Up
- Layouts: 500 Server Error
- Real Twitter Feed
- Mailchimp Forms
- Contact Form Captcha
- Reworked fixed header - old fixed header was another element that appeared as old row duplication. That didn't fit for onepage layout.
- Mobile menu improved - now it doesn't show long ugly list, submenus are collapsed by default.
- Docs: Quick Start Guide
- Docs: Docs Maps
- Docs: Mailchimp Subscribe Forms
- Docs: Contact Forms Captcha
- Docs: Twitter Feed
- Enhancement: Google map could be shown using latitude/longitude as well as address now.
- 3 new layouts, left sidebar with fixed width - content column liquid width, content column liquid width - right sidebar fixed width, content column liquid width - left and right sidebars fixed width.
- Scroll to top arrow added
- Parallax: make so parallax blocks backgrounds wouldn't look stretched on mobile devices.
- Colorbox: update colorbox init script, to remove from mobile phones, and to able webmasters choose breakpoints where they need colorbox.
- Socials: yelp icon was added
- Docs: acordions docs added
- Docs: lists docs added
- Docs: icon boxes docs added
- Docs: dropcaps docs added
- Docs: slider docs added
- Bug Fix: IE - boxed mode fixed header
- Bug Fix: IE - mobile menu not in right position
- Templates: 404 page was added
- Mobile menu style updated, items dividers were added
- Single Blog post template
- Mobile menu improved
- Colorbox connected on all pages
- Colorbox galleries grouping improoved
- Docs - alert boxes added
- Docs - boxes added
- More Footers added, 15 footers variants (3 colors * 5 variants)
- Docs - theme settings added
- Docs - socials added
- More Headers added, 57 headers variants (3 colors * 19 variants)
- Changelog moved to theme docs pages.
- Revolution slider updated to version 4.5.0
- Revolution slider loading issue fixed
- Social icons jumping variant Safari bug fixed
v1.1 May 30, 2014:
- Additional color schemes (orange, red, purple)
- Some previous color schemes improoved (blue, green, brown)
- Minor changes in Header and Footer
- Minor buttons code usability changes
- Credits page was added to docs
Contact Us
Address: 557 Cyan Avenue, Suite 65,
New York, CA 9008
Phone: (123) 456-7890
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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